Mind Travelers is on Patreon!

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This Month:

Bibliosmia: The Only Good Indians

. . . I plunged into a story that had some very familiar elements, shape shifting entities, animals with intelligence as high has humans, and cultural loss and confusion. Only the first violent scene turned my attention to the frontispiece and notes, and I realized that the book is considered a horror book.

Healthify Your Life: Balsamic Reduction

What if I told you the flavor of expensive, traditional balsamic vinegar could be achieved with a cheap $5 bottle of balsamic vinegar? You’ve probably heard of balsamic reduction and balsamic glaze at fancy restaurants, drizzled over roasted veggies or vanilla ice cream. Balsamic reduction glaze is super easy to make and an interesting, cheap way to experiment in your kitchen.

Bibliosmia: The Lilac Girls is No Springtime Stroll

The book follows the lives of three women, which while not entirely intertwined, certainly intersect. Each woman has her own voice and chapters. There was a time that this gimmick would have gotten you a rejection from an agent or publisher, likely on a sticky note, that read “Whose story is this? Pick a main character, rewrite and resubmit.” Those days are long gone; the multiple voice narrative is very common now, fueled, partly, by movies like “Crash” and “Mulholland Drive”.

Growing Your Business with Branding, Part 1

Self-employment is not for the faint of heart.
This month, I am introducing my new business column. It is my goal to speak to all my friends that are self-employed and bring some of my knowledge to you. We will discuss marketing, brand personality, websites and even (one of my least favorite things) social media marketing (bleh). We will have interviews with local businesspeople and learn what tools they have used to help them succeed. Most of all, I hope to help you grow and succeed!

Healthify Your Life!

Do you spend a lot of money on take-out? How about delivery? Fast food, including pizza, can add up fast! Try jotting down every time you buy a coffee, a gas station burrito, or fast food, or anything not from your home kitchen – for one week. You might be surprised at how much money you are spending! Now, I don’t mean to be a Debbie-downer here so I am going to give you tips to keeps your meals fast, fresh, and healthy.

Seven Questions-Seven Minutes: February

In 2013, Karen helped found Community Spirit United Church of Christ, which is currently meeting online and looking forward to returning to the Ute Indian Museum when the pandemic is over. For almost 50 years now, Karen’s religious and spiritual life has been informed by a statement made by one of her early mentors, who said “The greatest act of faith is to question.”

This Month's Contributors:

New Arrivals

Brand New Columns!

Bibliosmia: The Lilac Girls is No Springtime Stroll

The book follows the lives of three women, which while not entirely intertwined, certainly intersect. Each woman has her own voice and chapters. There was a time that this gimmick would have gotten you a rejection from an agent or publisher, likely on a sticky note, that read “Whose story is this? Pick a main character, rewrite and resubmit.” Those days are long gone; the multiple voice narrative is very common now, fueled, partly, by movies like “Crash” and “Mulholland Drive”.

On Air

Mind Travelers' YouTube Channel

7 Questions 7 Minutes

Seven Questions-Seven Minutes: February

In 2013, Karen helped found Community Spirit United Church of Christ, which is currently meeting online and looking forward to returning to the Ute Indian Museum when the pandemic is over. For almost 50 years now, Karen’s religious and spiritual life has been informed by a statement made by one of her early mentors, who said “The greatest act of faith is to question.”

Seven Questions: Seven Minutes November

Today we’re talking to Lawrence Hammett.  Lawrence is probably most well known for his tattoo art, however he is an accomplished artist in other areas as well. He also volunteered to help children with their art endeavors. Like many artists, Lawrence has had his share of troubles, and once you’re in the hot seat there’s no escaping the hard questions.

7 Questions 7 Minutes: October

Today we’re talking to author and medium Debra Anderson. Debra is also a paranormal investigator and has run the Delta Ghost Tours.

7 Questions in 7 Minutes: September 2020

Rob Brethouwer has worked as a probation officer in the Seventh Judicial District for 20 years. He grew up in Montrose, and returned here to work. Background research revealed a man immersed in arts and music, so I was curious to see how the two things meshed. 

Other Interviews

Reduce Your Impact with Recycling and More

Recycling is a global issue. It’s all about your carbon footprint. Carbon footprint is tied to population growth, white supremacy and privilege. And plastic is the worst offender. The point isn’t to recycle more, it is to think more about your purchase first. Learn about what you can do to reduce your impact and help heal our home.

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In the Raw

In the Raw with Nudist-Activist Guy Purcella By Jeanette Messano WARNING: This article includes NON-sexual nude photos. The content contained in this article is for

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Sound Check


Poetry, Haikus and Blurbs

Christian’s Room

Paranormal investigator Debra Anderson speaks of her experience with a figure in the dark in a haunted room in Delta.

100 Year Flood

While living in St. Louis in the early 90s, I found myself in the middle of an “100-year flood.” This may be the closest I have come to living through a slow, growing disaster until this pandemic. During disasters, where do we find comfort?

Older Stories


Excruciatingly Basic Jazz Theory

Even if they are not understood completely, the building blocks of a topic are important to have in mind. For some, the building blocks are understood up to a point and then things become fuzzy. For others, the blocks themselves are an enigma. Theory is the building blocks of music.

6 Ways to Avoid Burnout

At the begining of 2020 my graphic design business was really taking off. But In March all that changed when the COVID Crisis caused the world spiraling out of control. Yet, even during lockdown, I was experiencing physical and mental burnout. How did I learn to refocus and start my journey towards healing? Read more to find out!

Dear Mr. Second Gentleman

Mr. Second Gentleman, I write this letter to explore the importance of having a strong male role model for all husbands out there that are lucky enough to be married to a woman that shatters glass ceilings.  You are perhaps as rare as the female executive.