Contributor December 2020 February 2021 November 2020

Leah Okeson

Leah “The Vegan” Okeson lives in Colorado and works as a social worker. She has two children, two dogs, four cats, and one long-suffering husband. She loves to eat and I love to cook – BUT she’s a vegan. What does that even mean? Vegans do not eat any animal products or byproducts. This includes fish and chicken; milk and egg; gelatin, and even cheese. What DO they eat? Lots of yummy fruits and veggies, beans and tofu, nuts, etc.

Contributor December 2020 January 2021 November 2020 October 2020

Elyse Ackerman-Casselberry

Elyse Ackerman-Casselberry has worked for local governments in Colorado for 19 years and somehow has managed to keep her rose colored glasses on. She lives in Delta, Colorado with her circus that includes four smelly boys, six dogs, three cats, seven goats, two donkeys, and six chickens. She is currently raising baby peacocks in her bathtub

August 2020 Contributor December 2020 February 2021 January 2021 July 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020

Peggy Carey

Peggy Carey wrote for one of the first internet publications, Streetmail. Founded in 2000 by Lycos inventor, Bo Peabody, the newsy letter was designed to bring local news to the internet. She was quickly addicted to this new medium, and Peggy has written for one internet publication or another ever since, often under a pseudonym. Born and raised in New Mexico, Peggy took her country knowledge to the San Francisco Bay area for 14 years before moving to the small town of Montrose in 1980, when it was only 5000 people. She raised one daughter and a step-son, practiced law, and walked many dogs many miles. Now the operator of Solas Animal Safe Home, she spends her days with 30 rescued animals, practicing law part time as well. She is the author of many short stories, and one novel, The Rock Wren’s Song.
Jeanette Messano is a graphic designer, a writer, a business owner, a mother, and a gardener. She owns and operates JEM Graphics, a graphic design company focussed on environmentally friendly solutions to graphic design and blogging. She also founded the Mind Travelers blog.

She loves life and-of course- an interesting story

August 2020 Contributor December 2020 February 2021 January 2021 July 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020

Jeanette Messano

People tend to just open up to Jeanette in ways that they don’t with others. It certainly helps that she has an unending supply of questions. With this combination of skills, it only made sense for her to create the Mind Travelers blog.

Jeanette Messano is a graphic designer, a writer, a business owner, a mother, and a gardener. She owns and operates JEM Graphics, a graphic design company focussed on environmentally friendly solutions to graphic design and blogging. She also founded the Mind Travelers blog.

She loves life and-of course- an interesting story

Contests Holidays November 2020 Video

Funny Holiday Story Contest

Do you have a funny holidays story? Share your story, in 100 words or less and we will publish it on the December issue of Mind Travelers. The story with the most likes on our Facebook page will even be animated! Pretty cool, right? Send in your entry to today! 

Advice Columns Mouse Mouse in the House November 2020

Mouse in the House! November 2020

Mind Travelers would like to introduce our newest contributor. Mouse is cute and sweet and a little bit sassy. She observes much from her hiding spot and feels that humans could use a little help. So, she learned to type and is here to answer your questions! Have a question only a mouse can answer question? Email and she will provide the perfect answer on her humorously tiny laptop.

7 Questions 7 Minutes Columns Interviews November 2020 Peggy Carey

Seven Questions: Seven Minutes November

Today we’re talking to Lawrence Hammett.  Lawrence is probably most well known for his tattoo art, however he is an accomplished artist in other areas as well. He also volunteered to help children with their art endeavors. Like many artists, Lawrence has had his share of troubles, and once you’re in the hot seat there’s no escaping the hard questions.

Elyce Ackerman-Casselberry Governance November 2020 Politics


I’ve spent the last decade training newly elected local government officials. I always start with asking why they choose to run for office. I have never heard “I want to run a murky, withdrawn, locked, suppressive, tyrannical government”.  Yet, the moment most local government elected officials take office we, the public, immediately see them as corrupt or on the take.

Columns Jazz Music November 2020 Rob Brethouwer

Album Exploration #1

For the purposes of this article, I have chosen a big band album called Woody Herman: 1964. As with all recordings discussed on this page, this one is on vinyl and was recorded in New York City on November 20, 22, and 23, 1963. The band is typical of a big band with five saxophones, five trumpets, a clarinet (Woody Herman), three trombones, and a rhythm section featuring the expected piano, bass, and drums.

Food Leah Okeson November 2020

“Healthify” Your Holidays

 ‘Tis the season for starches, sugars, calorie bombs, and other pitfalls.  ‘Healthify’ your holiday and avoid the wicked winter weight of heavy, heavy meals. Read on for meatless product suggestions and healthy Thanksgiving tips for your own holiday and lifestyle.