Bibliosmia Book Reviews Columns February 2021 Fureyous

Bibliosmia: The Lilac Girls is No Springtime Stroll

The book follows the lives of three women, which while not entirely intertwined, certainly intersect. Each woman has her own voice and chapters. There was a time that this gimmick would have gotten you a rejection from an agent or publisher, likely on a sticky note, that read “Whose story is this? Pick a main character, rewrite and resubmit.” Those days are long gone; the multiple voice narrative is very common now, fueled, partly, by movies like “Crash” and “Mulholland Drive”.

February 2021 Jazz Music Rob Brethouwer

Confronting the Stereotypes Around Jazz

Is jazz only for certain groups of people? What a ludicrous idea! This month, Rob confronts two silly stereotypes he has come across while living in Western Colorado.

Business February 2021 Jeanette Messano

Growing Your Business with Branding, Part 1

Self-employment is not for the faint of heart.
This month, I am introducing my new business column. It is my goal to speak to all my friends that are self-employed and bring some of my knowledge to you. We will discuss marketing, brand personality, websites and even (one of my least favorite things) social media marketing (bleh). We will have interviews with local businesspeople and learn what tools they have used to help them succeed. Most of all, I hope to help you grow and succeed!

February 2021 Food Healthify Leah Okeson Vegan

Healthify Your Life!

Do you spend a lot of money on take-out? How about delivery? Fast food, including pizza, can add up fast! Try jotting down every time you buy a coffee, a gas station burrito, or fast food, or anything not from your home kitchen – for one week. You might be surprised at how much money you are spending! Now, I don’t mean to be a Debbie-downer here so I am going to give you tips to keeps your meals fast, fresh, and healthy.

7 Questions 7 Minutes Christianity February 2021 Peggy Carey Religion

Seven Questions-Seven Minutes: February

In 2013, Karen helped found Community Spirit United Church of Christ, which is currently meeting online and looking forward to returning to the Ute Indian Museum when the pandemic is over. For almost 50 years now, Karen’s religious and spiritual life has been informed by a statement made by one of her early mentors, who said “The greatest act of faith is to question.”

Contributor December 2020 February 2021 November 2020

Leah Okeson

Leah “The Vegan” Okeson lives in Colorado and works as a social worker. She has two children, two dogs, four cats, and one long-suffering husband. She loves to eat and I love to cook – BUT she’s a vegan. What does that even mean? Vegans do not eat any animal products or byproducts. This includes fish and chicken; milk and egg; gelatin, and even cheese. What DO they eat? Lots of yummy fruits and veggies, beans and tofu, nuts, etc.

Contributor December 2020 February 2021 September 2020


Fureyous is a writer in Western Colorado. She has a fiery, passionate personality and loves to tell us all just what is on her mind.

August 2020 Contributor December 2020 February 2021 January 2021 July 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020

Peggy Carey

Peggy Carey wrote for one of the first internet publications, Streetmail. Founded in 2000 by Lycos inventor, Bo Peabody, the newsy letter was designed to bring local news to the internet. She was quickly addicted to this new medium, and Peggy has written for one internet publication or another ever since, often under a pseudonym. Born and raised in New Mexico, Peggy took her country knowledge to the San Francisco Bay area for 14 years before moving to the small town of Montrose in 1980, when it was only 5000 people. She raised one daughter and a step-son, practiced law, and walked many dogs many miles. Now the operator of Solas Animal Safe Home, she spends her days with 30 rescued animals, practicing law part time as well. She is the author of many short stories, and one novel, The Rock Wren’s Song.
Jeanette Messano is a graphic designer, a writer, a business owner, a mother, and a gardener. She owns and operates JEM Graphics, a graphic design company focussed on environmentally friendly solutions to graphic design and blogging. She also founded the Mind Travelers blog.

She loves life and-of course- an interesting story

August 2020 Contributor December 2020 February 2021 January 2021 July 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020

Jeanette Messano

People tend to just open up to Jeanette in ways that they don’t with others. It certainly helps that she has an unending supply of questions. With this combination of skills, it only made sense for her to create the Mind Travelers blog.

Jeanette Messano is a graphic designer, a writer, a business owner, a mother, and a gardener. She owns and operates JEM Graphics, a graphic design company focussed on environmentally friendly solutions to graphic design and blogging. She also founded the Mind Travelers blog.

She loves life and-of course- an interesting story

Contributor December 2020 February 2021 October 2020 September 2020

Rob Brethouwer

Coming into existence on a dark winter evening, Rob Brethouwer was born to have a book in his hands and a sarcastic remark on the tip of his tongue. A first career is in its late stages and a second short career as a librarian is in the early stages of training. A former classical music columnist with 151 articles out in the world, Rob now turns his pen towards the world of jazz. Obsessed with big cities and subway systems, Rob does what he can to cope with living in small-town America.