Colorado Hippie Mamma Interviews Jeanette Messano November 2020

Reduce Your Impact with Recycling and More

Recycling is a global issue. It’s all about your carbon footprint. Carbon footprint is tied to population growth, white supremacy and privilege. And plastic is the worst offender. The point isn’t to recycle more, it is to think more about your purchase first. Learn about what you can do to reduce your impact and help heal our home.

Archive Jeanette Messano July 2020 Meditation Mother Earth

Reader Submitted Poetry

Reader Submitted Poetry Note to Self: Learning from Nature Written by Elysa Skalsky let truth come through no need to judge it it doesn’t need to be anything but what it is a tree intrinsically knows it is growing into a tree, doesn’t judge or envy a rose, it just grows if it has the […]